Sunday, March 05, 2006

Non-eventful weekend fun!!! Much time spent in the lack of working mode. However, I did send out my housing app and a scholarship on Friday right after my car DIED. Yup --- putt putt... died. Then a fake rebirth only to putt putt die for real!! That was fun. I was stuck on the road on my way to school. And worst of all, I was not just on time, but I was going to be early. Concept unheard of in my world. Now I'm car-less and worst yet I'm CARSHOPPING........... GRR.... I hate car sales men.... They are all like "can I pressure you into a car today!" and I'm like "Buzz off!!!" Well I'm of to further avoid Franknstein by listening to the third summer of the sisterhood on tape. Do you think I'm a Tibby, Lena, Carmen, or Bee? I think we are all a little bit of all of them at least some of the time.


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