Monday, December 18, 2006

As a tribute to an international friendship Saturday I wore my "crazy bubble gum necklace."

It was all the more fun because I knew somewhere in Russia was one of my best friends running around Saint Petersburg wearing the same one.

Needless to say the matching earrings were a bit much!

Life is so busy and evermore demanding it is so easy to lose track of the special times and moments that make you smile and especially all the people that you love.

That is why my favorite place in my house is this little table which sits right outside my door. It holds little peices and parts of my life.

I hope the giver of each of these peices knows how much they mean to me. I hope that I have given something to them which they can look at and know the same.

The Christmas Story of the Perfect Tree!

It was growing right in our front yard...

Because big tall pine trees can look odd, and we needed
a Christmas tree...

Timber!!!! .....

More Tree Pictures to come!


Blogger Unknown said...

And yet, no pictures of the shoes... tsk tsk.

1:38 PM  

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